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newBookmarkLockedFalling sitting with you and i'm glowing , kyle
bailey hart 5 197 by kyle foster
Dec 9, 2012 11:23:33 GMT -5


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Board Description
found in the middle of the downtown sector, this is the biggest campus that can be found in myrtle beach. it's home to nearly forty thousands students that are all specializing in a range of different majors. the sports teams are decent and coming out to cheer for them certainly adds to their number of fans. different departments are dedicated to the well-being and success of their students but of course, there are also the non-academic activities. dorms hold the best parties and there is a high chance that you will wake up with someone in your bed after participating in one of these parties. alcohol is your best friend and the library is a good place to nap, the most important lessons to be learned when it comes to this campus.

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